Friday, October 28, 2011

Tom Waits Bad As Me Album Review

By my third listen I was calling this the album of the year and among Tom's VERY best. The question is whether it's just in the category of his damn good category of greats like Bone Machine, Swordfishtrombones and The Black Rider or if this will be considered in league with his greatest masterpieces like Small Change, Rain Dogs, and Mule Variations. It's got the bellowing, grumbly, ferocious rockers, it's got boozy piano torch songs, nostalgic laments, street ballads, and is brimming with his classic phrasing and aphorisms. It also seems like this would be a great introduction to Tom, it revisits some of his best styles to excellent effect.

Tom Waits Bad As Me Album buy from Amazon: [$5.99] (Limited Deluxe Edition) [$16.99] (Audio CD) [$9.99] (Vinyl) [$21.45]


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